
Teach me how to Damon, teach me, teach me how to Damon

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hello Beauts!

I chose the Damon system of braces for many reasons. My initial interest was because the brackets on the Damon braces are a much slimmer shape and protrude a lot less than the traditional metal brackets which is obviously great because they are less noticeable. Because the Damon braces don’t stick out as much as the traditional ones, I have heard that they are gentler on the insides of your mouth. Big bonus in my book!

Damon braces eliminate the need for elastic or metal “ties” because they use a passive self-litigating bracket which moves teeth without tightening. This new system of braces also use light, high-technology shape-memory wires that move teeth faster and require fewer adjustments. Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, which allows teeth to move more freely, quickly and comfortably. Traditional braces are tied in with elastics, which cause friction and pressure, making treatment slower and less comfortable.

The Damon system also has a line of clear braces. Damon Clear achieves results in the same way as the metal Damon braces do except that the brackets are clear. Because there are no elastics tied around the bracket, the Damon clear system is fairly stain resistant. Huge perk for you coffee and red wine drinkers out there….including ME! Some patients can have their whole mouth done in the Damon clear system but others have the clear brackets in front where braces are most noticed anyways and have the metal brackets on the bottom and on the molars. This will be the case for me.

 For some, choosing the Damon system has drawbacks. Going this route means that there are no colored options for those of you that might be interested in color coordinating with the holidays and seasons. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE the holidays as much as anyone else but I am also not wanting people who see me out and about with my toddler and two babies to think that I am getting ready to audition for a role in MTV’s Teen Mom! So…for me that means boring silver metal mouth.

Ending side notes….. I may come to hate the Damon system. After all, I haven’t had them put in yet. I have heard magnificent things about them and have no reason to think that I won’t agree with my orthodontist or reviews online. Also, there is nothing wrong with “grown-ups” wearing colored elastic ties. I just can’t bring myself to do it and I don’t want the celebrity status….kidding! Just don’t do green for St. Patrick’s Day…for obvious reasons. Most importantly, no matter what braces you choose to get or the braces you may already have, EMBRACE that beautiful metal mouth. Try and smile with your mouth open and be proud of how far you've come….whether it’s just making the decision to get the process going or whether you are months or years into treatment. It will all be worth it in the end.

Keep it lovely!

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