
And so it begins...

Saturday, September 6, 2014

It’s only 2 days before the big day! My Damon braces go on 9/9/2014. I am feeling anxious, overwhelmed and a bit excited. This process has been a long time coming. I found out about 4 years ago that I would need to get jaw surgery along with braces. I thought the first doctor that told me this should be institutionalized for being crazy. After all, wouldn't someone have said something much sooner than this? Needless to say, I sought out other opinions and the information remained the same.

I am not going to lie. The most important part of this blog is to be totally transparent. I was TERRIFIED of how I would look as an adult with braces. I still am but not as much. Also, I don’t do well with mouth pain and have serious dentist phobia. Over the last four years, I have tried to research and find other blogs and social media outlets with other adults who are going through or who have been through a similar process. I was a little frustrated. There are tons of teens documenting their experience and that’s great and all but I can’t really relate to what they are going through. I would also find adults that were going through braces but not orthognathic surgery. Fortunately, there were a few blogs that I came across that had some of the information that I was looking for and it inspired me to try and encourage and educate anyone else who is considering or going through this process by writing this blog.

I don’t think there is a perfect time to begin any lengthy and expensive process but if I had to pick a time then it would be now. There have been tons of times that I have started the process, had molds made and then never followed through. The first time I cancelled was because my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our first child. The second time I cancelled the process was because the surgeon that I was referred to demanded a lot of cash up front and that was not realistic for my family at the time. The third time I cancelled was because I found out I was pregnant with twins. Presently, I am not pregnant, nor am I trying to become pregnant and the new surgeon that will be performing my surgery next year is a little more practical when it comes to financial demands!

In the next post I will talk a little about why I chose Damon braces over traditional metal ones.

Keep it Lovely!

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