
I'm a FLAKE....

Monday, September 7, 2015

I’m a F…la..k..e. There, I said it.

I am the person who gets annoyed by “flaky” people. The friend who bails on get togethers last minute or the friend who never returns text messages or calls and when they do they are notoriously late with their response. That’s why saying this pains me…. I am a flake. It has been months since my last blog post and I am just as flaky with my “brace related” social media. I set out with the intention of being really diligent but apparently I am a flake. If I have to embrace this new character flaw, I would like to choose my own variety of flakiness. Perhaps I could be a flake of the chocolate variety? A chocolate flake. I feel like that is more acceptable. Everyone likes chocolate, right? And for those who don’t like chocolate??? Inconceivable, first and foremost; those people are a lost cause anyways and are apparently just as character flawed as I am with my flakiness. Kidding….kind of.

Ok so if you’re here, you’re interested in my brace/ jaw surgery updates. Not my dilemma of now being considered a flake. So alas, an update of importance will now be delivered. Firstly, I have not gotten my jaw surgery yet. Secondly, I am encroaching my first year anniversary of becoming a braced bandita.

My estimated surgery date when I first got the braces on was for September 2015. My orthodontist began telling me around March that he thought I would be ready for surgery earlier than my projected date. Of course that left me anxiously awaiting for the thumbs up from him at every appointment I went to but every month he tells me that I’m not ready. At my June adjustment, he tells me that we are going to do some surgical molds or study models in July and we’ll have a better idea of whether my bite is ready for surgery. I was so anxious for July’s appointment. I am not looking forward to having surgery but I am looking forward to the next step of treatment and then having the braces removed. We took the study models at my July appointment, he called me a few days later and told me that it would be another couple months until surgery and that my front teeth need to come forward more. I had a feeling that he was only telling me that I would be ready earlier to pacify me. Not cool. Now it will likely be towards the end of the year and that is terribly depressing. I LOVE the holidays. Like, I am “crazy lady” LOVE the holidays. I could write a whole post on things that I love about the holidays and will be sad to not get to fully appreciate those things if I am banged up and looking like Shrek because of surgery.

At my last appointment which was 09/02/15, I had the orthodontist show me specifically what we are waiting for my bite to do. Apparently the left side of my mouth is ready but my right upper canine is not lining up correctly between the lower canine and molar. He also mentioned that we are going to try and recline my front lower teeth a scosh to help maximize the advancement in my lower jaw. At this appointment, he bumped up the wire on the bottom to the strongest stainless steel, disked/reshaped my 4 front bottom teeth, and put on a power chain. I am already in the strongest wire on top so he didn’t change my wire but he did put on a power chain which I thought was going to be the death of me. I literally had tears rolling down my cheeks. I was told that surgery can more than likely happen before the end of the year and that he wants to see me every two to three weeks from now on to help ensure that we can get surgery rolling sooner than later. He is taking study models again at my next appointment which is on 09/22.  We shall see….

Here are some pictures of my progress…

Not too bad for a year. I only wish my teeth were as white as they were before braces. If anyone has tips on how to whiten your teeth with braces please tell me! 

Me after my appointment. I was pretty happy in spite of the pain he put me through because I was on my way to get pain relieving medication (Cabernet) and pity party medication (chocolate). 

I will update in a couple weeks...probably...hopefully...

Bye Dolls!

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